Saturday, September 11, 2010

No more poo......

Shampoo that is. For the next two weeks I have committed to not washing my hair with any kind of shampoo or conditioner. Maybe if I write it on here it will help me get through it :) You may be wondering why. I had a friend who recently said she would be doing this so I decided to research this. I found that a lot of people don't use shampoo and instead use a baking soda/ water mixture. Shampoo forces are hair to create more oils than normal because the shampoo strips all the good oil away. According to most it takes about 2 weeks for your hair to stop over producing the oil and begin to look normal again. So if you see me at Walmart, Church, out for a stroll, you now know why I am looking a little bit greasy:) I washed my hair Friday morning and have not washed it since. I am including a picture of day two and will continue to update. Renato is going to join me ( he is hoping it will help with his dandruff). Here goes to no poo!

Check out this website for better directions!

1 comment:

McMel said...

yay! i hope it goes well for you! i'm almost at 2 weeks, and i want to shave my head or pour an entire bottle of shampoo on it!!