Friday, January 23, 2009

Lydia has a new girl cousin!

Moana Karen was born on January 19th in Japan! I can't wait for these two to meet and get into trouble together :) Hopefully we will be able to make a trip to Japan sometime. I miss Nara (Renato's sister).

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I set up Lydia's jumparoo that Ned (Renato's boss) got us. I will say it was quite a hit.

Enough clothes until she is three!

Whe one of my sisters friends asked if I wanted to come look at her daughters old clothes that she had I immediatly got excited! She has had three daughter and has accumulated quite the wardrobe for them. Lydia and I ventured over to her house on Monday and spent hours going through bins and bins of clothes. Well today was the day I organized them. It only took me 3 hours! But I am happy to say I will not have to purchase very many clothes for Lydia for a good while. It will be hard as I love to shop and I love clothes....but I am trying to be good and stick to our budget! Here are some before and after pics.

The Simple Life

In our Sunday School class our teacher has been talking about living the simple life. Do we really NEED to get new clothes all the we really NEED an up to date car? Shouldn't our money and resources go to the glory of God and not for our pride and comfort? Renato and I have been thinking and talking about the way we live our lives. We would really like to say we have been wise with our resources but in truth we waste a lot. One of our goals is to live life more simple and use our resources for the Glory of God and not for the Glory of ourselves.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Two months already????

I cannot believe my little girl is two months old today....Craziness!!!! She is growing like a weed. On Wednesdays I have been going to a breastfeeding support group. I recommend it to anyone who is nursing or planning on nursing. They let you go and weigh your baby and find out how much she is actually eating! Lydia weighs over 12lbs and is eating almost 6 oz. She is definitely healthy :)

Today was her two month physical and shots. She is in the 75percentile for her weight, length, and head size. She has grown 2 3/4 inches since she was born. She got3 shots and 1 oral medicine. Renato came with me because I thought I would be a big cry baby. I actually was fine! She screamed....and screamed...and screamed. As soon as I got her calmed down she was out like a light! Poor baby.....

On a side note have I ever told anyone what a GREAT husband I have. He is so thoughtful and I am falling more and more in love with him. We have definitely learned a lot about each other since we have had Lydia. I guess that is what happens when you are sleep deprived :) Even though it has been tough...the Lord has given me the perfect man for me. How comforting it is to know the Lord picked him for me....picked us to be Lydia's parents...etc. Knowing the Lord has his hand in everything gives me great comfort...PRAISE THE LORD! I am praying that Lydia will one day have that comforting knowledge as well...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I jusT need to get this thing started :)

Okay so a lot of my friends have blogs and I have always thought "what a great idea" but have never followed through. Now I am going to start.

Well for those of you who don't know Renato and I had our daughter on November 20, 2008. Since I was past my due date (she just was too comfy :)) Dr. Brody said we needed to induce. He also told me before we picked the day that I had a good chance of a c-section because my pelvic bone was extremely small. I told him I wanted to do everything I could to have a vaginal delivery. Well, we got up at 3 am....made it to the hospital at 4.....and began the induction at 4:30. Little did I know I had already started contracting and was already in labor :) After 14 hours I was finally ready to push. Dr. Brody came and we got to work. Well after 2 hours she would not come. We did find out pretty fast that we would have to invest in some hair bows :) Since she continued to be difficult (she is a Mizutani!) I ended up having a c-section. Atleast the next babe will come out on time I guess.

Life with a baby is fabulous!!!!! Renato is a great daddy and has helped a lot. I thought I would instantly be in love with Lydia when she was born. I did love her and wanted to do everything I could for her but I was not "in love" with her. After a few weeks at home my bond with her grew and grew. At first I felt guilty for not feeling bonded with her the day she was born. Now she is an essential part of my life. My heart is bursting with love and I am totally in love with her.

Well I will post some pictures and begin updating on a regular basis. I am a nerd and enjoy the computer :) Now it is off to work on our taxes and see how much we owe Uncle SAM :(